Almost lover

Alone at night, your touch is what I'm longing for
I'm introduced to something amazing and I want more
Your strong arms holding me in a loving embrace
The smile in your eyes when you look at my face

I love your voice when you first say hello
And I love lingering to watch you when you go
I miss to hear your laughter and see your smile
I would like to see you again since it's been a while

I want to lay my head down on your chest
Take a deep breath and forget about all the rest
Drift away while I smell you and feel your heat
Breathe out and fall asleep to the sound of your heartbeat

I miss waking up when you reach for your phone
You've made me hate waking up in my bed alone
I'd like to see you everyday but I can settle with less
Rather than strangle you and make everything a mess

If you want to I will stay, but if not then I will go
Just tell me, and don't be afraid 'cause I can take a no
I know you are busy and always have a lot to do
But I have time and I am willing to wait for you

Postat av: Dannie

faan va fiint :'(

sitter med gåshud å grejjer!

du har verkligen been blessed med både skriftens å teckningens förmåga!!

2009-11-04 @ 21:01:59

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