All the ladies

Miss lovely lady Blue
I think you know her too
She's a really bright spark
She's getting raped in the park

Next girl hangs out with many
She's spending every penny
She's known as Pretty Black
Did you know that she's on crack?

Little lady White
The blond who's not so bright
Spread her legs for every guy
Sluttish, drunk and really high

Yellow lady's always sad
Hope her husband don't get mad
From a trip he brought her home
At night you hear her moan

Missy Brown so clever and smart
Both got brains and a nice heart
Even if she's a VD and happy wife
She'll be seen as a slave for all her life

Pink lady is a blast
On a job interview with cast
She's told she's got a chance
If she takes off her clothes and dance

Miss pretty lady Green
Most beautiful girl you've ever seen
She seems so happy, never pissed
When she's alone she cuts her wrist

Next lady is pretty sweet
Always high heals on her feet
She's got the right mysterious look
Every guy get stuck on the hook

She's a woman with class
And she's got a real nice ass
A dream; the Lady in Red
Too bad she's already dead

Postat av: Jocke


2009-08-06 @ 00:06:57

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